Green lasers or red lasers?
Both have their value for shooters, but ultimately, selecting a laser color is all about personal preference.
What is the difference between red laser or green laser
What is the difference between red laser or green laser
The human eye has evolved to see the color green better than any other color in the light spectrum, which is why a green laser appears brighter in ambient light - such as bright sunlight - conditions than a red laser. As the chart below shows, the color green lands in the center of the Relative Sensitivity / Wavelength (nm) spectrum.
LASERWIN's green laser sights operate between 515nm and 532nm, and red laser sights operate at 620-670nm. Both green and red lasers are Class 3R lasers and emit at the same peak power output - 5wW - which is the maximum allowed by federal law. Both laser colors produce a beam size of an approximately 0.5" circle at 50'. All OUR laser sights comply with 21 CFR 1040.10.

what about low light?
Red and green lasers are both highly visible in low light conditions when armed encounters are most likely to occur.
what are they more expensive?
Green laser diodes are the internal components to drive and power them are more expensive to produce and technology differs from red laser diodes.
what about the battery life?
Green and red laser sights differ in power requirements, resulting in a 2-hour battery life for green lasers and a 4-hour battery life than red. Green lasers simply require more power than red.
can I swap laser colors?
No. Both laser diodes, circuit boards and other internal components are unique to that laser color.